Auld Reikie

People passing quickly
Through an ending summer,
As if in haste for autumn.

Teeming city streaming
Faces touching ages,
Drowning in a misty past.

Shapeless figures crowding
A darkened stage in silence,
Glaring down upon today.

Cobbled streets are leading
Bodies back and forth the hours,
Spent in passing by.

© jsmorgane (Aug 04)


Through woodland and forest
I run, I run,
The city dimming behind me.

Friends grow away
As I run and run,
My many skins shedding.

My scars erased
I run and run,
Myself falling from me.

In shadows, in lightning,
Now running, now slowing,
A batter against closed eyelids.

… pause… breathe…
Earthen colours
Sink through skin…

The birds have stopped their tales.
The wind has caught his breath.
Soaked in silence, waning…

When from the void
A voice invokes
My name.

© jsmorgane (Nov 09)