A New Beginning

The bumblebee outside my window
Beckoned me to join him,
And so I lay myself down
Under the magnolia tree,
The sun warm on my face,
The cool, damp ground cradling me.

The unsuspecting robin
Stirs the air above my face
As I watch the creamy buds
Open joyously in welcome.
Breathing deeply, I flow out of
Myself and join in this
Eternal moment of spring.

©jsmorgane (March 2014)

Sappho in the Garden

Amidst the roses I lay dreaming,
When the ground sighed softly
And the grasses reached up
To embrace the rosebuds tenderly.
Then the roses grew radiant, and
Grass and flowers danced
With the same mild wind which made
The leaves in the branches above us
Shake with carefree laughter,
And which also called me

© jsmorgane (June 2012)