How to Converse with Dragons

In the vale I chanced to walk
And – as fate would have it –
‘Do you speak Stone?’
The Hornbeam asked,
Sounding somewhat frazzled.
I stopped and stared,
And wondered to myself
How it could be that
Anybody would assume
That somebody speaks Tree.
This somebody, alas, was I
And clearly did I hear
The English Oak that stood nearby
Chuckling in my ear.

I frowned and spoke –
In Tree, it seems –
‘I’m really mighty sorry,
I don’t speak Stone but
I would ask what seems to be your worry.’
‘Haha’, the English Oak replied,
But the Hornbeam grumbled,
‘It is a tiny stone beneath
My root which has me stunted.’
So I bent down to dig a bit,
And found the troubled root,
There underneath a stone lay hid
Which gladly I removed.

‘Kind thanks to you’,
Said English Oak, while
Hornbeam was a-titter
With joy and mirth and
Frolicking his roots hither and thither.

I held the stone fast in my hand,
When I could feel it move.
Then open burst the pebble,
Which had me much amused.
A dragon coiled around my wrist
And snugly took abode
Half up my sleeve, half peeping out
Feeling quite at home.
While I still wondered at the beast,
It turned its shining head and
Regarding me the creature said:
‘You’re good at Stone, I give you that,
But I shall teach you Dragon.’

© jsmorgane (Jan 2014)

Sappho in the Garden

Amidst the roses I lay dreaming,
When the ground sighed softly
And the grasses reached up
To embrace the rosebuds tenderly.
Then the roses grew radiant, and
Grass and flowers danced
With the same mild wind which made
The leaves in the branches above us
Shake with carefree laughter,
And which also called me

© jsmorgane (June 2012)


Your smile
Simply rends my heart.
It calls from me all that is good.
When it comes, your smile,
Unexpected flash,
You manifest more clearly,
Eyes more intent,
For a moment focused –
It seems – on me.
Your airy being drawn to this world,
Shining a light that lingers
Long after you have gone
To play with the wind,
Your slim, gentle form
Blithely beneath the trees,
Weaving in and weaving out,
Up into the branches,
The light in the sky, always,
Your smile.

© jsmorgane (Nov 2011)